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Tactical Fitness for the Wiser and more Mature Athlete - SGPT Online Navy SEAL Workouts

So you're not exactly the young buck aspiring to be a Navy SEAL.... That doesn't mean you still can't train like it! SGPT Online is please to present our LTS - Silver Edition. Navy SEAL and Operator Style Training for the wiser more mature athlete... 

We know (because we are like you) that getting under a 350 pound barbell and knocking out Front Squats is possible, but it's not exactly the smartest idea. Even with proper form it can aggravate knees, back and other parts of the body. Because let's be real, we have beat the shit out of ourselves enough!


What is SGPT LTS - Silver? It's a 90 day fitness program with Navy SEAL mindset and breathing drills developed for athletes over 40 or for athletes looking to get back into the FIGHT!

"Finally! Ex spec ops soldiers that get it. We can't all start out as SAS or SEALs. Great program!"
Anthony M.

SGPT’s team of elite coaches are pleased to present our LTS Training system designed for the Veteran Operator and Athlete! NO Excuses.

This program requires no gym membership. You can complete it nearly anywhere with minimal equipment.

Ideal Gear List:

Pull Up Bar

Ruck Pack with 10 - 20 LBS

Step Up Area or Plyo Box

Low Impact Cardio Equipment: Bike, Row, Elliptical, Swim or Ruck Trail

Never Quit Mindset


Here's a sample workout to try out:

Warm Up: 10 Min worth of moderate pace: Walking, jogging, running, biking, swimming or rowing. Stretch with SGPT’s ​Dynamic Warm Up Video

3 Rounds:
10 Air Squats
20 Alt Step Ups 16/20”
30 Jumping Jacks
100m Run at 60% of Full Sprint

Cool Down: Stretch Top to Bottom, Foam Roll, Hydrate


Upon completion of this course you will be ready to tackle more advanced training like SGPT 365 or our 150 Day Navy SEAL Mental and Physical Training System!

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